Content Marketing

10 High-Performing SEO Content Habits to Form in 2017

If you’re like most content creators, it’s likely you want to use 2017 to make your content better and enjoy a higher ROI from the material you develop ... read more

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Originality Key to a Strong Online Presence

Let’s face it: content creation can be tough. Between coming up with new topics and crafting material that appeals to a specific target audience and works on a given platform, content marketing is a time-consuming and challenging process. Because of this, many marketers (understandably) choose to curate content rather than create it ... read more

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15 SEO Rules for Today’s Online Content Creator

If you want to succeed as a modern online content creator, it’s important to know a thing or two about good search engine optimization (SEO) practices. SEO is the process of optimizing a website or content so that search engines and people can locate it and read it easier. For a writer, the rules of SEO are relatively simple. It revolves around good and natural writing skills. It’s about optimizing your headline, subheaders, and most importantly, writing well. Engaging headlines that are optimized for your reader matter more than stuffing them with keywords ... read more

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7 Steps to Telling Your Story with Infographics

Infographics are notoriously good at telling a large story in a small space. Plus, they stand out which is incredibly important given the fact that, each day, 1.5 million pieces of content (including 140 million tweets and more than two million videos) fly around the Web ... read more

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10 Ways Content Can Improve Your Rankings

If you’re writing for your site you obviously want to write quality content to generate hits. After all, you’re putting it on the Internet, a place where all the world can see it. But how does one offer quality content that will push your content up in the rankings? ... read more



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